Checkmed gives you with a clear and simple method of preparing medication and provides an overview for random checks during the operation.  This greatly improves safety in the OR.

The main features and advantages of the Checkmed are:

  • It is created by and for anesthesia

  • Developed on the basis of feedback received from people working in the anesthesia environment and anesthesiologists.

  • IGZ, Medirisk and WIP requirements are adhered to within this design.

  • Organised and structured design.

  • Contact between medication and syringe is maintain until time of administration
  • Compact and lightweight

  • Made from a dust-free, biodegradable starch based product (Paperfoam©)

  • Dust-free, anti-bacterial.

  • Disposable, so no negative hygiene issues.

More information about Checkmed.

A new curved laryngoscope blade for routine and difficult tracheal intubation. Abstract by: Nishikawa K1, Yamada K, Sakamoto A. We have designed a new curved laryngoscope blade based on a new concept of reversing the peardrop [...]